Power generation, Transmission and Distribution

Metallox has wealth of experience in the area of transmission and distribution we have worked with various transmission companies in Ghana, Senegal and Nigeria
Our transmission service includes;

  • Transmission and distribution analysis and network planning
  • Power generation systems analysis
  • Substation and transmission line design
  • Power system protection
  • Communications
  • Metering and energy management systems
  • Load dispatch centres
  • High voltage underground cables
  • Transmission and substation sitting and land planning
  • Sub-soil investigation and earthling systems
  • System efficiency and loss reduction programs
  • Transformer diagnostics & transformer maintenance
  • Transformer tests


Metallox Nigeria Limited is a limited Liability company incorporated in Nigeria under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990.

We offer Power Plant engineering solutions and Energy services solutions, in the Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution sectors.

The purpose of this document is to give an understanding of the company and also chart a course for professional relations with our customers.

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