Corporate EH&S Policy

Protecting the health and safety of our employees, our customers, and the natural environment is a core value within Metallox family. We continuously strive to ensure that our workplaces are safe from hazards, our employees are injury free, our services and products are safe, and our commitment and record in regulatory compliance and protection of the environment are unmatched.

Whilst embracing the standard corporate EH&S goals, All Personnel will:

  • Strive to eliminate all employee injuries by making the workplace free from hazards and unsafe actions;
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements and the policies, standards and practices of the corporation;
  • Establish safety and environmental goals and the business plans necessary to achieve these goals;
  • Provide accurate and timely measurement and reporting of both environmental and H&S performance;
  • Implement and periodically evaluate EH&S Management Systems in order to reduce risks and continually improve the effectiveness of our EH&S processes;
  • Integrate safety and environmental considerations into investment decisions, the design of services and products, and in dealings with suppliers and contractors;
  • Require all employees to adhere to these standards and provide management commitment of the means and resources necessary to lead, support, monitor and maintain accountability for implementation of this policy.
  • Ensuring awareness for EH&S issues through prompt and accurate communication to the workforce using a variety of media.

In consideration of the Environmental Standard BS EN ISO 14001:2004, all employees are required to comply with the Company’s Environmental Policy Statement and associated environmental sections of the EH&S Rules and Procedures Manual.

In all of the above, we seek and expect the involvement and contribution of our employees, and strive for continuous improvement.



Metallox Nigeria Limited is a limited Liability company incorporated in Nigeria under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990.

We offer Power Plant engineering solutions and Energy services solutions, in the Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution sectors.

The purpose of this document is to give an understanding of the company and also chart a course for professional relations with our customers.

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